Friday, December 7, 2007

Hold on to your teenage daughter

Sorry for the delay; for those of you who aren't Katie, I had to skip work yesterday to take Josh to the zoo. I also missed the annual DANY holiday party, where everyone grinded with each other and Mr. Morgenthau and all around got their respective flirts on. Josh and I had a little holiday party of our own that consisted of him setting up a fishy tank in my room for about 3 hours in his adorable, autistically focused way while I made him my fiancee on facebook, if but for a brief, sweet moment/ I guess I had even more fun than that--when I rolled into work at 11 this morning, a few coworkers thanked me for writing "hey hotay ;)" on their walls very late, which I had no recollection of doing.

There are 2 main things on my mind these days--winter break and weightlifting. Josh M. and Josh K. are taking a 10-day vaycay in paris in january. Which honeymoon would I rather crash, I really can't decide. Although if Liz is going to Vienna I guess that settles things right off the bat--jk, love ya liz-a-licious.

(my coworker who said that thing about 3.8 gpa's being the cutoff just told me i'm "so hot right now," as i sit at the front desk answering other people's calls with one hand and picking my ear with the other. she also always says "heart it" and signs her emails "kisses" because she went to harvard but is still down to earth and girly, like alexandra parfitt)

as for weightlifting, a trainer at the gym with some unpronounceable hispanic name who insists on being addressed as "big e" approached me mid-deadlift the other day. apparently, while watching my "form," he came to the natural conclusion that i would be the perfect partner to train with for a bodybuilding competition. when i told Josh, he told me that big E had been hitting on me. of course i became livid that Josh didn't believe someone could possibly think i was good at something other than doing it, and, as punishment i told big E that I would be honored to enter the bodybuilding competition with him. so now i am training several times a week and taking 12 different supplements from GNC that give me insane fits of rage. Big E texts me regularly for encouragement; i just got one that said "hey whats up have u done any mussle resurch?"

work is getting so fucking boring. at first it seemed so stable and healthy to have this regular schedule. now every morning when my alarm rings, it's just ridiculous. i can't wait to quit and move to marseille with my mussle contest money.


Unknown said...

have you ever thought about the fact that when you're bodybuilding, you are both subject and object? kisses, katie

Beneficent Allah said...
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