Wednesday, June 24, 2009

after my last night of work

I dreamed I was gchatting on the Actual God's computer, and the settings were for Spanish, kind of, such that if I typed an exclamation mark, an upside-down one would appear at the beginning of the sentence, too, even if I was typing in English, and the whole interface was kind of rudimentary, like the 1994 version of gchat if it had existed then. I wondered if this really was the default setting for his computer, and then reflected that if I asked him, he would probably say yes, even if it wasn't.

I also dreamed Juan from work had a studio where he digitally (re-)represented bejeweled Asians that he controlled like marionettes, or that were marionettes. He wore glasses like Phil Jackson's, much as he does in real life. A Japanese onlooker in an ill-fitting suit mumbled that one of the girl-dolls was fat, and Juan indignantly replied, "She is not fat. She weighs 110 pounds, and she is a ballet dancer." The Japanese guy rolled his eyes, a bit miffed, and repeated, "Fat." Also in the dream, Jenn (sic) from work, who served Tom and his parents at a recent meme lunch, was dating Juan, and had a newspaper article about him posted in her locker and had highlighted, in orange highlighter, something about him being "sexy and intelligent."

Before this I entered the Exit doors at Whole Foods to nibble/excessively sample from the salad bar, so I could be barred from the store forever or until I pleaded to be let back in, and to liveblog the entire affair, but then I saw kombucha was 2/$5, which is like stealing, and I don't have a smartphone.

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