Saturday, April 26, 2008

ma petite non

With the boys off at the front, Manon and I are spending some time entre filles this far I've subversively eaten some of her taboule orientale and turned up the TV while she was on the phone; maybe tonight we'll have a soirée pyjama. She resembles more and more the little Russian countesses in War and Peace, shrieking and clenching her tiny fists when she doesn't get her way, or wandering the apartment with big, empty eyes, mouth slightly agape. She doesn't even seem to get any pleasure out of her music anymore...the blasts from her clock radio at all hours are technically correct, but lacking in feeling. I've learned a lot about the human condition from reading Tolstoy, and I think she's probably upset because not one of the young men who frequent our apartment has proposed to her. She's not a brilliant match, but...she has such nice eyelashes, and a dainty little brain, and it can't be denied that elle fait un effort:


Manon voted for these singles on Most Eligible Singles. 10:26
Damien Irving

Manon voted for these singles on Most Eligible Singles. 10:26
Simran Paras

Manon a ajouté l'application Who Has The Biggest Brain?. 11:18

18 avril

Manon voted for these singles on Most Eligible Singles. 20:48
Daniel Holms

Manon voted for these singles on Most Eligible Singles. 20:48
Webster MsG

Manon voted for these singles on Most Eligible Singles. 20:48
Damien Irving

15 avril

Manon voted for these singles on Most Eligible Singles. 19:44
Sudhanshu Verma

Manon voted for these singles on Most Eligible Singles. 19:44
Don Cooney

Manon voted for these singles on Most Eligible Singles. 19:44
Adrien Poitou

13 avril

Manon voted for these friends on Most Eligible Singles. 14:58
Schoebel Vincent

Manon a changé sa photo du profil. 14:58

Manon a ajouté l'application Most Eligible Singles. 14:47

I tell her every day, "Ma puce, marriages are made in heaven," but she insists that they are made on the Internet, which, she reasons, is shaped like heaven.


Beneficent Allah said...

"Katie, the only problem with this blog is, I want MORE!!!..."

Anonymous said...

katie should i switch my concentration to english? thanks, abram

Anonymous said...

je t'imagine toute nue sous la pluie