Wednesday, October 15, 2008

no mas

Motherfuckers at Mas(farmhouse) never called me back; was it because I dropped the bread? Now I drop resumes on the daily, still jobless but feeling less like Job. I sent an inquiry to Thomas Keller's restaurant, though I'm not "qualified," per se. I apply myself gradually. I state my purpose all day, but it always ends up more of a question.

At my local vegan coffee shop everyone wears their hats. The fat man tutors Spanish, often says "Muy bien!" The redheaded counterperson wears suspenders. A girl with socks higher than her boots requests a Steamed Pumpkin Soy Soother, conscientiously capitalizing. But whenever you offer a soothing suggestion to someone kranky for rheumatic reasons, you end up just steaming them.

Leah: You should boil quince pits and drink the water, it heals the respitory system.
Krank (cruelly): Oh yeah that's perfect, because I have quince growing in my garden at home!?!?!?!
Puns: What a quinceodince!

He hated that. But I wasn't trying to be funny, it's just that when's the last time "coincidence" coincided with another word? I realize this is unacceptable; I'm working on more Leah content.


Beneficent Allah said...

mas content!

Unknown said...

i did not say that! and never would!