Thursday, July 31, 2008

miracle at canna

Every day I go to work, twice. I am reprimanded for failing to say Bonjour, Bonsoir, Ca Va to each member of the equipe individually, for using the passive voice. Yesterday I ate most of a small early pumpkin. Today I ate lunch in a mosque…I have the profound sense I don’t do anything.

And yet I traverse great distances, I wind up on staircases. I carry bags of bread from the bakery, tourists point and tell each other, “Look! Very Traditional.” The ground around the arena is blanketed with rotting leaves, soccer balls pound against the walls, bugs bite me and I feel I am becoming part of this pit of History. Various members of the equipe don’t understand how I drink 10 1.5 litre bottles of Vittel a day, I don’t understand how they don’t. I used to just fill up the same bottle from the robinet, I hate wasting plastic, but it tasted too animal, vegetable, my neural pathways needed something more, and it is precisely this sense of profligacy that makes water a little more like wine…it’s Leah’s birthday, what cann I do?


Beneficent Allah said...

Eat a kadoo, not from cann, but Freysh...

Unknown said...

this is so sweet, i dont even think i had a birthday last year